Wednesday 21 March 2012

How to move your blog from one google account to another google account

Note : It is just for educational purpose only, all the stunts of spellings are not allowed to be shared with or without any dead or living person/ places 

May be some of us already knows but i have decided to give a great tutorial for how u can move your blog from one blogger account to another blogger account 

So script of our story starts here, 
Producer, director, sound engg, etc sab mera he.... 

Step 1 : Login to blogger with your one blog account.

Step 2 : Choose a blog which u want to move your blog.

Step 3 : Just croll down and choose settings.

Step 4 : On the basic settings tab u will see authors, Just click on add authors and give them your another blogger email in which you want to move your blog.

Step 5 : AFter clicking on ok u will see one pending invitations.

Step 6 : Now logout and login with your given blogger email and check for confirmation mail in you gmail Inbox.

Step 7 : Just open that email and click on confirmation link, after clicking that link u will b redirected to your blogger home page, and u will see thier your transfered blog with few available options because u are only a author not admin yet 
Step 8 : Now logout and login again with your previous blogger account u used in step 1.
Step 9 : Now again select you blog and go to settings Tab.
Step 10 : Now just see the author list, u will find thier two authors one is u as an admin and second is your another blogger account.

Step 11 : Now just click on author and change author to admin and u are done ! 
U will get Two authorized admins for your 1 blog.

If u want to use only second blogger account then just click on cross ( as shown on ss ). Thats all u have successffully changed you blog authorization. 


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